Reem Rias

Reem Rias is your Islamic Wedding Planner, we will ensure (Allah's Wills) your wedding reception follows the guidelines of the Shariah for the marriage to be blessed by Allah. Our wedding concepts are designed as such:

1- The expenses should be affordable and shall not burden the brides and their family. The walima shall be simple but a remembered one. It is totally un-Islamic for those, who do not possess the means, to incur debts in order to have grandiose weddings. It is fallacy to think that one's respect will be lost if one does not hold an extravagant wedding and invite many people.

2 - Seperation of men and women guests. The present day practice of the intermingling of sexes is an act of sin and totally against Shariah. We practice gender privacy. This means providing women-only space where sisters who observe different levels and types of Hijab feel comfortable. Most sisters like to dress up for a wedding, but they want to enjoy themselves without being watched by strange men.

3 - No displaying of the bride on stage and no 'tabarruj' (Overly make up and un-islamic dressings).

4 - Inviting the poor and the righteous people. The walima shall not exclusively held for the rich people only. There shall be no different treatments made between the brides, family and the guests in terms of foods, placements and gifts.

Make appointment with us 019-9391012 (Ummu Reem) for further consultations.


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